
Far from Me

For you dear, I was born
For you I was raised up
For you I've lived and for you I will die
For you I am dying now
You were my mad little lover
In a world where everybody fucks everybody else over
You who are so far from me
Far from me
So far from me
Way across some cold neurotic sea
Far from me
I would talk to you of all matter of things
With a smile you would reply
Then the sun would leave your pretty face
And you'd retreat from the front of your eyes
I keep hearing that you're doing best
I hope your heart beats happy in your infant breast
You are so far from me
Far from me
Far from me
There is no knowledge but i know it
There's nothing to learn from that vacant voice
That sails to me across the line
From the ridiculous to the sublime
It's good to hear you're doing so well
But really can't you find somebody else that you can ring and tell
Did you ever
Care for me?
Were you ever
There for me?
So far from me
You told me you'd stick by me
Through the thick and through the thin
Those were your very words
My fair-weather friend
You were my brave-hearted lover
At the first taste of trouble went running back to mother
So far from me
Far from me
Suspended in your bleak and fishless sea
Far from me
Far from me

Nick Cave


Blogger Filipe said...

Olá Rita. Eu sei que este comentário não tem nada a ver com o post, mas na revista Timeout estava escrito que ias dar um concerto no Musicbox. Quando liguei para lá disseram-me que estava cancelado!! É verdade?!

8:34 da tarde  
Blogger Rita Redshoes said...

Olá a todos a quem esta pergunta ficou em suspenso.
De facto o concerto este marcado mas não vai acontecer.
No próximo ano, acontecerá certamente!

Rita Redshoes

9:05 da tarde  
Blogger Filipe said...

Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

9:13 da tarde  
Blogger Filipe said...

Ok, é realmente pena pois estou em pulgas para ouvir as tuas músicas novas!! O estranho é que me disseram que não iria acontecer devido a tu estares doente?!Há alguma verdade nisto? E o próximo single, quando sai?

9:17 da tarde  
Blogger Vítor said...

Espero poder ver-te amanhã em VNF, caso estejas doente as melhoras. ;)

9:23 da tarde  
Blogger Miguel said...

Que pena! Estava já a preparar-me para ir hoje finalmente ouvir umas músicas tuas. Estou cheio de curiosidade...

10:07 da manhã  

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